Motor­bike stor­age in Berlin

Safe stor­age for your beloved motorcycle

We all know how import­ant it is to pro­tect our motor­cycles from the ele­ments and secur­ity at the same time. That’s exactly why we’d like to intro­duce you to our top-notch stor­age option: safe, clean, tem­per­at­ure-con­trolled and with adjus­ted humidity.

Safety first: The secur­ity of your motor­cycle is our top pri­or­ity. Our stor­age facil­ity is equipped with the most mod­ern safety measures.

Neat­ness is our standard

Dirt, dust and pol­lut­ants could harm your motor­cycle. Our facil­ity is fre­quently cleaned and prop­erly maintained.

Reg­u­lated environment

High tem­per­at­ures could dam­age engines and paint, amongst oth­er parts. Our stor­age facil­ity main­tains a con­stant, com­fort­able temperature.

Optim­al humidity

Extreme dry or humid air could harm your motor­bike. Our facil­ity reg­u­lates humid­ity to the ideal level to pre­vent rust and corrosion.

Motor­bike stor­age in Berlin

Our park­ing facil­ity keeps your motor­cycle in top con­di­tion – always ready for the next ride.

In Ber­lin , 3 minutes from A100

Win­ter­ing in the motor­cycle garage

Zero com­prom­ises with DAL’S H-OF. We make your bike safe over winter.

Get in touch with us today.