DAL’S H-OF is Germany’s safest park­ing gar­age for Clas­sic Cars and exklus­ive automobiles.

Park your car in an air-con­di­tioned, tem­per­at­ure and humid­ity pro­tec­ted envir­on­ment. His­tor­ic vehicles find a per­fect envir­on­ment as well as the clas­sics of tomorrow.

The cent­ral city loc­a­tion includ­ing free­way access offers optim­al con­nec­tions to the air­port BER and the Ber­lin cent­ral station.

On 7500 m² DAL’S H-OF provides you with 220 park­ing spaces .

Highly secure check-in

Secure check-in and check-out at all times

24h/365 days access to your vehicle

Per­man­ent availability

14°C hall temperature

Pro­tects engine and fin­ish from damage

Reg­u­lated humidity

Effect­ive pro­tec­tion against rust

Power sock­ets at the pitch

Indi­vidu­ally usable

Pitch size

Length 6.00 m Width 3.10 m

Pitch = Park­ing space

While you are on the road with your clas­sic car


Pro­fes­sion­al vehicle preparation

On site through our con­ci­erge service

Ter­min check gas- and main inspection

If neces­sary, trans­port to the desired workshop 

Col­lec­tion and return transport

In Europe with­in 24 hours

Move­ment drives

To avoid stand damages

Tra­di­tion and passion

DAL’S H-OF is a pro­ject close to the heart of the Dal­hoff fam­ily of entre­pren­eurs in Ber­lin. Josef Dal­hoff laid the found­a­tion for one of the most suc­cess­ful road con­struc­tion and civil engin­eer­ing com­pan­ies in the cap­it­al region more than 25 years ago.

His sons Max and Alex­an­der are in the man­age­ment and stand for mod­ern tech­no­lo­gies and innov­at­ive concepts.

But pro­gress is not everything: The Dal­hoffs’ self-image includes qual­ity, tra­di­tion, respect for per­form­ance and the respons­ib­il­ity to pre­serve val­ues. The know­ledge of the import­ance of mobil­ity and the respect for engin­eer­ing explain the pas­sion for DAL’S H-OF.


Con­tact us – we will be happy to inform you about our indi­vidu­al ser­vice for your Clas­sic Car.

    Your Clas­sic Car